A couple of months ago I had the awesome opportunity to interview four authors about their newly minted books. If you haven’t listened to the SHELF QUEENS podcast yet, you can can find it on Spreker
or ITunes.
So that you don’t have to take notes as you listen, the shownotes are available here.
In honor of these four amazing authors being on the show, I am giving away a signed set of each of their new books!
GIRL WITH SHARP STICKS (signed) by Suzanne Young
SLAYER (signed) by Kiersten White
CROWN OF FEATHERS (signed) by Nicki Pau Preto
SKY WITHOUT STARS (signed) by Jessica Brody with co-author Joanne Rendell
1. Listen to the podcast and leave a helpful review on iTunes (2 entries)
2. Leave an encouraging (5 words or more) comment on this blogpost (1 entry)
3. Leave an encouraging (5 words or more) comment on the Instagram post about the #GIVEAWAY (1 entry)
4. Follow Kiss the Book on
AND/OR the RSS feed for the blog. (You can do any or all of these) (1 entry@)
5. Retweet the TWEET about the GIVEAWAY (1 entry)
6. Leave an encouraging (5 words or more) comment on that Twitter post (1 entry)
7. BONUS: Listen to the podcast and answer this question only on this blog post:
Who was most on point when talking about who they would like to direct or to star as them in their future BIO PIC? AND who would you want to direct, write or play you in your future BIO PIC? (3 entries)
In all you can earn up to 14 entries in the #GIVEAWAY
- This giveaway ends MONDAY, July 29, 2019 at 9 am MST. The grand prize winner will be contacted after that.
- U.S. entries only.
-Giveaway not affiliated in any way with Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.
-Must be 18 or older or have parent/guardian permission to enter.
GOOD LUCK everyone!!
Yes I would love to enter this giveaway!! I love Kiersten White’s books!! Her Vlad the impaler series was amazing! -Hailey Danielson