
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Courageous: A Novel of Dunkirk by Yona Zeldis McDonough - ADVISABLE

Courageous: A Novel of Dunkirk by Yona Zeldis McDonough, 177 pages.  Scholastic, 2018.  $17.  

Content: Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.  



Aiden, 12yo, and his best friend Sally live in England during World War II.  Aiden has lost one brother to the war and his other brother, George, sends home letters as frequently as he can.  Sally and Aiden like to listen to the radio, so when in May 1940 they hear a cry for citizens to help pick up troops from across the water at Dunkirk, Aiden wants to take his father’s fishing boat convinced that he will be helping his brother George.  Aiden’s father refuses to get involved, so Aiden and Sally sneak the boat out and follow the other people across the water to help in Dunkirk.  

At first I was bothered that Aiden was only twelve-years old, but I actually think younger readers would relate to Aiden and Sally and their need to contribute to the war effort.  I enjoyed the adventurous story, especially because it’s historical fiction and I felt like it was realistic.  At times it was neatly wrapped up, but there is still un-graphic deaths from wounds, shootings and bombings.  

Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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