
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rewind by Carolyn O’Doherty - ADVISABLE

Rewind by Carolyn O’Doherty, 247 pages. Boyds Mills Press (Highlights), 2018. $17.95

Language: PG (7 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



Alex enjoys the work that she does—which is good because she doesn’t get a choice in the matter. All spiners, or those who can freeze and rewind time, are required to be raised in a group facility and help police at crime scenes until they die, often around the age of 20. But when Alex, only age 16, starts to show symptoms of an early death, she grows desperate to do something important before she dies—something to change the world.

O’Doherty captured me in the first page. Alex, her powers, and her world offer a unique perspective on the world in the imagined circumstances. I did not want to set the book down for a minute as Alex worked hard to leave a positive impact on the world under the pressure of limited time and the strain of unpredictable changes to her reality.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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