
Friday, March 29, 2019

Tilly and the Crazy Eights by Monique Gray Smith –OPTIONAL

Tilly and the Crazy Eights by MoniqueGray Smith. 214 pages, Second Story Press, 2018 $20
Language: PG13 (15 swears; all B); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: G



Tilly’s marriage isn’t happy and she doesn’t know why its going wrong. When she asked to drive eight native elders from Canada to the Gather of Nations Pow Wow in New Mexico, she makes the snap decision to go. Each member of the group has a bucket list item for the trip from the redwood forest, a tulip festival, and more. During the journey members of the group find themselves confronting the past, re-examining current relationships, and building friendships. Tilly has to come to some hard realizations herself if she wants to save her marriage.

This book would be more appealing to adults than younger readers, as the themes and characters are all very much adult. Many of the topics are related to being a senior citizen and looking back on your life, which I even had trouble relating to. For me it was just an ok read –some of the elderly women characters had a similar feel, so they all kind of blurred into one or two characters. I thought the references to native culture were fascinating and added quite a bit to the story. 

Reviewer: Stephanie MLS & Author.

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