On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden, 535 pages. First Second (Roaring Books Press), 2018. $22. 9781250178138.

Mia meets Grace during her freshman year of boarding school
and the two immediately hit it off and eventually become a couple. Before
year’s end, Grace’s family abruptly arrives and takes her home; Mia is held up
and unable to actually tell Grace goodbye. Following graduation, Mia gets a job
with a refurbishment crew who travel around space refurbishing a variety of old
buildings. It is at one refurb job
that has connections to the mysterious area The Staircase where Mia finally
opens up to the crew about her secret wish to travel to The Staircase and seek
out her friend, Grace. The crew, it turns out, has connections to The Staircase
and to Grace, so they willingly go along on the dangerous mission. And it is at
The Staircase where we face the remaining questions—Will they find Grace? Why
doesn’t Ell speak? And will they actually make it back from this quest?
This book was originally a web comic and now in paperback it
really suffers from being too long—too many panels of art that do not add much
to the story. The story itself could be told in half the number of pages you
have in the book. The lack of men in the story is never explained—every
character is LGBTQIA+ in someway, which makes this a nice pick for those looking for books specifically for that audience. The actual graphic illustrations are
pretty intense though the coloring is all very dark. I found the story
interesting enough (maybe a bit too vague in its explanations of space magic at
times) but I imagine it would be more appealing to a teenage reader who feels
like an outsider. I had to rate it optional due to the atrocious language, but
probably still would have rated it optional anyway. It’s a fine graphic
novel—the author is clearly a talented artist—but nothing here really blew me
Reviewer: TC
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