
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

My So-called Superpowers by Heather Nuhfer - OPTIONAL

My So-called Superpowers by Heather Nuhfer, 246 pages, Imprint (Macmillan), 2018. $14.

Language: PG (5 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Middle school is not going well for Veronica.  She would really like to be an “ests,” one of the smartest, prettiest, fastest, instead of walking around feeling invisible.  So she has come up with a plan to try new activities to get noticed, and she is bound to be good at one of them, right? Her friend, Charlie, doesn’t understand why she wants to be an “ests”, they’re all so mean and snobbish.  Of course, Charlie is perfectly ok with who he is, quirks and all. After a miserable day of failing to become an “est”, Veronica wakes up and something is different. When she wishes she would shrink out of sight, she does, when she wishes she would disappear, she does.  What is happening! Charlie thinks her new superpowers are great, but Veronica isn’t so sure.

The idea of waking up with superpowers sounds awesome and I like that the author made it realistic and hard.  Veronica found that it took time and practice, and life is more complicated now that it was before. Unfortunately the whole thing fell a little flat, and was confusing, at times.  Sometimes it would read young and other times more middle school. And a few things I had trouble accepting. I know Veronica is a middle schooler with superpowers, but it still seemed a bit much to have her out all night by herself decorating for the school dance.  In the end Veronica learned a few things about herself and what makes a true friend. 

Reviewer: RB

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