
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Ski Soldier : A World War II Biography by Louise Borden - - ADVISABLE

Ski Soldier : A World War II Biography by Louise Borden 176 pages. NON FICTION Calkins Creek 2018 $17.95 Language: G (0 swears, 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (war violence)



Pete Seibert was very athletic, excelling at most sports including football and tennis, but his real passion was skiing. Still in high school when the United States entered WWII, Pete enlisted in the US Army when he turned 18, joining an elite group of mountain troops called the 10th Light Division (Alpine), eventually shipping out to Italy where his platoon took an important stronghold away from the Germans. 

Borden has given us a non-fiction text in verse, so the pages read quickly and there is lots of room for pictures and documents. The format will be appealing to a reader inexperienced with non-fiction, and the subject - - Skiing and war - - is exciting.

Lisa Librarian

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