
Friday, November 30, 2018

The Girl Who Saved Christmas by Matt Haig - ADVISABLE

The Girl Who Saved Christmas by Matt Haig, 311 pages. Alfred A. Knopf (Random House), 2016 $16.99

Language: G (silly elf swearing) Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (ala "Home Alone" people slipping on butter, getting hit with frying pans, Troll danger) 



Amelia Wishart was so full of hope that first year Father Christmas delivered presents she was really all the magic he needed. But now, two years later, her mother has died and she is in a workhouse laboring for the cruel Mr. Creepers. Back at the North pole:Father Christmas missed Christmas altogether last year because of a vicious Troll attack, and this year there is barely enough hope to lift the sleigh off the ground - he's got a letter in his pocket from Amelia and needs to find her - maybe her hope can work it's magic again! 

Haig has written a much more serious Christmas Story in the Girl who Stole Christmas. Still silly with Blitzen up to his old toilet humor, but a story about a world that needs to find hope must be fraught with sadness and doubt and tears. I enjoyed it, very Dickensian. 

Lisa Librarian

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