
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Fuzzy by Tom Angleberger - OPTIONAL

Fuzzy by Tom Angleberger, 263 pages. Amulet Books, 2016. $14.95. 

Language: G, Mature Content: G, Violence: G



Barbara is the computerized assistant principal at Max’s school. She’s programmed for perfection and wants nothing less than exemplary test scores and behavior. Fuzzy is an experimental robot that’s been sent to the school to improve its artificial intelligence by hanging out with kids. Soon Fuzzy figures out that Barbara is intentionally lowering Max’s test scores so he will be sent to the remedial school. In her artiticially intelligent opinion, Max and his friends are bringing down the school’s rating.

I love Tom Angleberger, but this book doesn’t tickle the funny bone as much as either the Origami Yoda or Qwikpick Papers series. Both of those series were solidly realistic. The plot in this book gets a little too far out there to be as enjoyable. On top of that, it gets muddled with a couple of idiotic criminals who want to kidnap Fuzzy. The side plot is under developed and detracts from the main plot. It’s a fun read, but not a home run.

Reviewer: Valerie McEnroe, Media Specialist

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