
Thursday, September 13, 2018

When Paul Met Artie: The Story of Simon and Garfunkel - OPTIONAL

WhenPaul Met Artie: The Story of Simon and Garfunkel by G. Neri, illustrated by David Litchfield.  NON-FICTION/ PICTURE BOOK  Candlewick Press, 2018.  $18.  9780763681746  



Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel grew up in the same neighborhood in Queens, New York.  Both loved music and eventually crossed paths where they decided they worked well together.  They wrote songs and created music as teens.  Overall they had ups and downs, but eventually they turned out some of the best loved music of the seventies.  

I LOVE Simon and Garfunkel and I really enjoyed this biography about the years leading up to their success.  The text is written in 24 page-long poems with accompanying amazing illustrations.  Even though I personally love Simon and Garfunkel, I’m not sure this book would be appreciated by younger readers.  I also felt like the falling out that Simon and Garfunkel had needed to be explained better or at least explained in an author’s note at the end.  

C. Peterson 

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