
Friday, September 21, 2018

Sweep: The Story of a Girl and Her Monster by Jonathan Auxier - OPTIONAL

Sweep: The Story of a Girl and Her Monster by Jonathan Auxier, 344 pages.  Amulet (Abrams), 2018.  $19.  

Language: G; Mature Content: G;Violence: PG (some fighting)



Nan Sparrow was raised by a kind, if extremely poor chimney sweep  and they roamed together all over England, until the night the Sweep disappeared. For the last five years Nan has been indentured to Crudd, a cruel London chimney sweep.  Then during a terrible accident one day, Nan escapes by faking her own death – and she also finds herself a friend – Charlie.  Whatever Charlie is, perhaps a golem, Nan knows he grew from the bit of charcoal that the Sweep left her.  Together the pair carve out a good, but hard, life until the day Crudd finds out for sure that Nan is alive.  He will do anything to reclaim her.

A historical fantasy book – Nan’s tale is mixed in with the real events and lives of chimney sweeps in 1800’s London.  As an adult, I loved it. The cover will draw a few students in, but I don’t think they will recommend it to hordes of their friends after.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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