
Friday, August 31, 2018

Wish Upon a Sleepover by Suzanne Selfors - ADVISABLE

Wish Upon a Sleepover by Suzanne Selfors, 208 pages.  Imprint (Macmillan), 2018.  $16.

Content: G.



Leilani dreams of having the best sleepover ever and impressing the Haileys (four girls all named Hailey) – the pops in their sixth grade class  - so that they will let her into their group.  Besides the Haileys, she will of course invite her best friend, Autumn, but there are three people Leilani doesn’t want at her party – she even makes a list.  But when she gets home, she finds that her grandmother, Tutu, has sent the invitations to the DO-NOT-INVITE list! Now what will happen?  Her party is ruined.  And instead of feeding them dinner, Tutu has left them instructions for gathering the ingredients for sleepover soup?  What?! As the kids make their way around their neighrborhood gathering ingredients, something interesting begins to happen.

I’m am so all about Selfor’s message that the popular kids are not always as great as you think they are and that you’d better learn someone’s story before you dismiss them as unfriendable!  Each of the sleepover guests gets a chance to shine and to grow.  The only thing I have issue with is the cover – it only shows the three girls from the party, not the boys – why exclude them?

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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