
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Dragonling by Jackie French Koller - OPTIONAL

The Dragonling (Dragonling, #1) by Jackie French Koller, 70 pages.  CHAPTER BOOK  Aladdin, 1990.  $17  9781534400627  



Darek lives in a community that raises their boys to hunt dragons and the ultimate honor is to kill a dragon.  When Darek’s brother, Clep, comes home with a dead dragon, Darek can’t wait until it’s his turn.  Until Darek finds the dragon’s baby dragonling.  Darek’s heart goes out to the little dragonling, whom he names Zantor.  Darek goes on a secret quest to return Zantor to a group of dragons and finds the truth about dragons’ role in his world.  

This book feels like the ultimate bait and switch because the cover is cartoon-ish and young looking, but the inside illustrations are older and the story has an older feel.  My 8yo son was disappointed immediately, but we persevered and the story was actually quite enjoyable.  The ending was a bit disappointing, because Darek’s mom saves the day and up until the end she hadn’t really played a part in the story.  

C. Peterson

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