
Monday, August 20, 2018

Teddy's Favorite Toy by Christian Trimmer - ADVISABLE

Teddy's Favorite Toy by Christian Trimmer, illustrated by Madeline Valentine. PICTURE BOOK. Atheneum Books for Young Readers (Simon & Schuster), 2018. $18. 9781481480796.



Teddy's favorite toy is an awesome doll he calls Bren-Da. She gets broken/injured during one of their adventures one morning, and Teddy uses various tapes, strings, etc to try and fix her up before school. While he's gone, his mom mistakes Bren-Da for garbage and tosses her in the trash. When Teddy discovers the mistake, his Mom leaps into action and--like a superhero--saves Bren-Da and saves the day.

The illustrations in this book are fun and the story is incredibly simple with the pictures telling a lot of the story. The point of this story is clearly more about the message of "Its okay for boys to like dolls" than it is about the actual storyline, and I think that is okay. By not pointedly saying it in the story, the author really does make it okay for Teddy to love a doll and I'm all for breaking down gender stereotypes. As such, I think this book does have a place in libraries and would be a great storytime read aloud.

Reviewer: TC

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