
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik - ADVISABLE

Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik, 480 pages.  Del Rey (Random), 2018.  $28.  

Content: G



Three clever women have important parts to play in the battle between a demon and the Staryk (faerie) king.  Miryen is the daughter of a failed moneylender.  When she takes over and succeeds, she attracts unwanted attention from the Staryk King.  Wanda, the daughter of an indigent farmer, has to work off his debt to Miryen.  All of her efforts are guided towards getting her and her brothers free of their unloving father.  Because she works for Miryem, she becomes entwined with the magic. Irina is the daughter of the local Duke. When her father buys the ensorcelled jewelry created with Miryem’s fairy silver, she attracts the attention of the Prince who, unbeknownst to anyone, is possessed by a demon hell bent on killing off the Staryk.

Your high level fantasy readers will love this!  Not for the faint at heart, because Novik writes assuming the reader will pay attention to what is going on.  Readers who do, and know even a bit about the Rumpelstiltskin story will truly have a magical experience.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian

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