
Friday, August 10, 2018

Something Smells! by Blake Liliane Hellman - ADVISABLE

Something Smells! by Blake Liliane Hellman, illustrated by Steven Henry. PICTURE BOOK. Atheneum (Simon & Schuster), 2018. $18. 9781481488648



Elliot wakes up to a terrible smell in his house and immediately goes in search of its source. He looks high and low for the source. Meanwhile his mom is nagging Elliot to take off the skeleton costume he has been wearing for days. You can guess the realization the family comes to when Elliot finally changes out of his outfit. 

This book is fun to read because kids will be guessing the whole time where the smell came from, until they realize the answer before Elliot does. Its a rewarding book in that you figure out the smell by looking for picture clues and beat the character to the punch line. The illustrations are a bit muted but attractive in an old fashion sort of way. 

Jen Wecker, HS English Teacher

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