
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

In Harm’s Way by Iain Martin - OPTIONAL

In Harm’s Way: JFK, World War II, and the Heroic Rescue of PT 109 by Iain Martin, 219 pages.  Scholastic Press (Scholastic Inc.), 2018. $17.99

Language: PG (4 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



World War II (WWII) was a difficult time for everyone involved, but it also allowed people to fight for what they believed in and to discover who they wanted to be. John F. Kennedy was one such man. In this book, readers get to learn about WWII by following the life of Kennedy – by seeing the war from the path that a real person chose instead of by reading overviews of the events of the war.

Martin helped history come to life for me by following what happened to Kennedy and those with him. Throughout the book, Martin helps explain terms and context for what was going on and why certain choices were made. I have gained more respect for those who act upon the draw of patriotism and a desire to serve one’s country, and I admire Kennedy’s determination to make and goals while never giving up on what he wants despite the obstacles put in his path.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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