
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Best Frints at Skrool by Antoinette Portis - ADVISABLE

Best Frints at Skrool by Antoinette Portis. PICTURE BOOK. Neal Porter (Roaring Brook), 2018. $18. 9781626728714



“On planet Boborp, childrinx go to skrool, just like here on planet Earth.” This is the start to this tale of aliens learning how to include everyone in school. The language is changed just enough to make it silly but still recognizable. The story walks us through a typical day that includes learning but also food fights and friends using mean words with each other. An alien, Omek, feels left out when his best friend makes another friend but they learn to all play together. 
Kids will love the silly aliens and the food fights in this brightly colored book. The way the authors play with language make this a fun book to read aloud. The story is a bit jumbled, jumping in and out of a food fight and the characters are a bit hard to keep straight, but when a reader works it all out the reward is a really great lessons on friendship. 

Jen Wecker, HS English Teacher

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