
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Mad Wolf’s Daughter by Diane Magras - OPTIONAL

The Mad Wolf’s Daughter by Diane Magras, 265 pages.  Kathy Dawson (Penguin), 2018.  $17.  

Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (some fighting)



Drest lives with her father and brothers at a remote Scottish highland, the youngest of the fearsome war band.  But one day everything goes awry and Drest is left alone when the others are all captured by a group of knights and taken away to be hanged.  Drest was undertake a dangerous journey and figure out some way to save her family.  As she travels, however, she picks up a few companions and learns some things that challenge her love for her family.  

Drest is heroic and her story contains many levels of surprise and growth and danger.  I know that John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice books are very popular, but I have had a hard time selling other similar books to my students.  So it’s not for lack of quality – just lack of audience.  Hand sell this to the right students.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian

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