
Monday, July 16, 2018

The Flying Girl by Margarita Engle - ADVISABLE

The Flying Girl: How Aida de Acosta Learned to Soar by Margarita Engle, illustrated by Sara Palacios.  NON-FICTION/PICTURE BOOK Atheneum Books (Simon and Schuster), 2018. $18.  9781481445023  



When Aida was a teen she saw an air ship in the skies of Paris and decided she wanted to fly.  It was not a ladylike ambition, but Aida wasn’t deterred.  She asked Alberto, the man who was flying the air ship to teach her to fly, and so he did.  Alberto eventually gave Aida the opportunity to fly by herself and she loved it.  Aida’s mother knew that Aida’s father would disapprove and so she made Aida promise not to publicize her flight.  Aida went on to become an advocate for aviation and other causes.  

This is a great book to add to your girl power section.  The illustrations are adorable, and Aida has a can-do spirit that is inspiring.  The back of the book has an author’s note with more information about Aida’s life.  

C. Peterson.

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