
Friday, July 6, 2018

Fourth Dimension by Eric Walters - ESSENTIAL

Fourth Dimension by Eric Walters, 370 pages.  Penguin, 2018.  $18. 

Language: G, Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13 (deaths, some bloody, fighting)



Emma, 15, is barely willing to go a camping with her mother and little brother, but their trip becomes a flight to safety when the power in the whole city mysteriously goes out. Some ancient battery operated things work, but nothing with computer chips will go at all.  The trio escapes to one on the many islands off shore, but they will need allies and a much better plan if they want to survive against the armed gangs who are willing to take what they want by force.

Welcome back to the world of The Rule of Three!  I don’t really need to say much more than that, because readers of the series will eat this up just like I did.  I love that Walters focuses on the good that mankind has within, while not stinting our flaws and our evils – just not giving them primary focus.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian

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