
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ascent by Roland Smith - ESSENTIAL

Ascent by Roland Smith, 228 pages, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018, $18.

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence PG



Peak Marcello is back, eying the ascent of a relative mystery mountain, Hkakabo Razi, one of the highest in Asia, but also one of the most remote.  Peak is traveling with Alessia, whom he has feelings for, and her bodyguard, Ethan.  In order to get to the mountain, Peak and his fellow travelers have to navigate the rain forest, which turns out to be as dangerous as the ascent itself. 

Roland Smith skillfully weaves Peak’s adventures with enough description that I wanted to swat at bugs in the rain forest and get a cup of hot tea on the mountain.  The characters are likeable and the pacing is great. This book could stand alone, though it is the third book in the series.  If you do read it first, you will want to go back and check out the other two. 

Michelle in the Middle, Teacher

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