
Monday, July 9, 2018

Almost Paradise by Corabel Shofner - OPTIONAL

Almost Paradise by Corabel Shofner, 293 pages. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2017. $17. 

Language: G (1 swear); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.  



Ruby Clyde is a twelve-year-old who has been uprooted from her home by her mom’s boyfriend, Catfish.  Ruby Clyde wishes that her mom would stand up to her boyfriend, and take them back home, but her mother hasn’t been much of an adult for most of Ruby’s childhood.  When Catfish robs a convenient store, Ruby’s mom is arrested for being an accomplice.  Ruby Clyde hides in the bushes and has to find a way to her mom’s sister Eleanor, who is a nun, so she won’t get taken to an orphanage.  

This story has a unique and unpredictable story line that I enjoyed.  The minor characters are great and Ruby Clyde’s mature look on imperfect relationships is endearing.  I wanted to keep reading to find out what would happen to Ruby, her mother and her aunt Eleanor.  I think kids would like this book if they could get pass the cover which seems geared towards much younger readers.  Ruby is twelve, but her voice isn’t consistent with her age-sometimes she seems younger and sometimes older.  The violence is PG because Catfish is shot in the leg during the armed robbery.    

C. Peterson.

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