
Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Riot Brothers: Snarf Attack, Underfoodle, and the Secret Life by Mary Amato, illustrated by Ethan Long - ESSENTIAL

The Riot Brothers: Snarf Attack, Underfoodle, and the Secret Life by Mary Amato, illustrated by Ethan Long, 153 pages.  Holiday House, (2004), reprint 2017.  $13.  Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: G.



Wilbur Riot is very good and inventing games. Orville Riot is really good at being annoying. Together they decide to make some money by teaching other kids how to be annoying. They make great money, but their mom makes them give it back. This book includes three separate stories: Book one “The Riot Brothers Capture a Crook”. Book Two: The Riot Brothers Find a Hidden Treasure. Book Three: The Riot Brothers Overthrow a King.

Author Mary Amato clearly knows her audience and cleverly creates songs and outrageous games for her readers to laugh at and possible try at home. Like the game, Underfoodle: who can get the most underwear on their head in 30 seconds. She also teaches important life skills like flaring your nostrils for pictures and raising only one eyebrow.  A funny read that is sure to attract reluctant readers and annoying boys.  

Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.

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