
Monday, June 25, 2018

The Riot Brothers: Drooling and Dangerous by Mary Amato, illustrated by Ethan Long - ADVISABLE

The Riot Brothers: Drooling and Dangerous by Mary Amato, illustrated by Ethan Long, 187 pages.  Holiday House, (2006), reprint 2017.  $13.  Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: G.



Wilbur and Orville Riot are back and still causing quite a bit of mayhem. In this editions they: The Riot Brothers Become Spies, The Riot Brothers Star in a Movie, and The Riot Brothers Have a Dwitch Say. Wilbur is full of fun sayings and funnier situations. His top three sayings for this book are: 1. Riots are the best medicine, 2. A riot a day keeps boredom away, 3. Don’t have a cow—have a riot! (page 4). Their first adventure includes the Bye-Bye Buggie game (you try to catapult bugs into other people’s food at the dinner table). And ends with Dwitch day where words are switched.

Underwear, flying bugs, boys pretending to be pregnant, boys pretending to be a baby and more. This book is full of antics that will make both boys and girls laugh out loud. The illustrations are a perfect compliment to the outrageous stories and will also bring a smile to the reader’s face.

Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.

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