
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Best. Night. Ever. by Rachel Alpine - ADVISABLE

Alpine, Rachele Best. Night. Ever. 316 pgs. Aladdin (Simon & Schuster), 2017. $16.99 Language – PG (15 swears, 0 “f”), Mature Content – G; Violence – G;

Middle school is difficult for everyone, and the pressure only gets more intense at the first school dance of the year. Told from seven perspectives, Malone and company tell the stories of both popular and unpopular kids as they make plans for revenge and forgiveness, friendship and surprises. Read seven adventures that come together in one night—and not one of them is going according to plan.

Not only did the seven authors write fun stories for their readers, they were also able to weave the separate characters’ experiences together in a way that the stories were clear and fun to read. I was also happy to note that the stories were not all completely cheesey and predictable and that there was an overall message to make the best of your situation. The ending for each story was satisfying, and I closed the book feeling that it fulfilled my desire to be entertained.

MS – ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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