
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Audrey's Magic Nine by Michelle Wright - OPTIONAL

Wright, Michelle  Audrey’s Magic Nine, 141 pages.  Illustrated by Courtney Huddleston.  GRAPHC NOVEL.  Penny-Farthing Productions, 2018. $15.  Content: Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.  

Audrey is a foster child who uses her sketch pad as a way to deal with what is going on in her real life.  A nice woman named Tabitha and her husband decide they want to adopt Audrey, and Tabitha enrolls Audrey in all sorts of extracurricular activities.  Audrey is exhausted, but also likes Tabitha so she tries to keep up.  Audrey still makes time for her drawings and she starts to draw stuffed puppet she brought with her from the group home.  The stuffed puppet comes to life and sets her on a quest to find other puppets who once were great warriors but have been banned to Audrey’s world as puppets.  

I love Audrey and the realistic parts of this story, including the well intention-ed Tabitha who is dealing with her own insecurities.  The illustrations are fantastic and appealing.  Everything got a little too crazy when the puppet came alive and then Audrey and her puppet go to a creepy puppet show to try and track down the other missing puppets/warriors.  That’s when the story lost me and it got a bit too fantasy weirdness for my taste.  The ending is super abrupt and this story covers the first three puppets and there is supposed to be two more graphic novels to the series.  The violence is PG because in the beginning the foster house implies abuse and neglect, the creepy puppet show feels menacing and Tabitha's friends bully her even though she is an adult.  

EL, MS – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.   

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