
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Flying Squirrel Stowaways by Marijke Simons - ESSENTIAL

Simons, Marijke The Flying Squirrel Stowaways, illustrated by Marijke Simons. PICTURE BOOK. Nimbus Publishing, 2017. $23. 9781771085502.

Two squirrels are chased into a large evergreen tree by an owl.  Little do they know that the tree they are in is set to be cut down as the annual Halifax gift to the city of Boston for their Christmas tree in Boston Commons. These two squirrels have the adventure of a lifetime as they travel to their destination.

This is a delightful story commemorating the rescue efforts the City of Boston made in 1817, when a ship exploded in the Halifax Bay, killing many citizens and starting a town fire. Simons aptly created a cute children’s story to describe the love the people of Halifax have for the City of Boston. Her clear illustrations add to the sweetness of the story.


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