
Friday, April 20, 2018

The Big Bed by Bunmi Laditan - ADVISABLE

Laditan, Bunmi The Big Bed, Illustrated by Tom Knight. PICTURE BOOK. Farrar Straus Giroux (Macmillan Publishing Group), 2018. $17. 9780374301231

A young little girl tries to persuade her father through many methods that he needs to move beds. There are many logical reasons in her mind why she should get to sleep with Mommy.

This book had me laughing as the little girl presents her ideas like an adult would to a child with a flip chart and using “research.” I thought it was a very cute story that children will love. The illustrations were also very colorful and just as entertaining as the dialogue. I think this is a great way to introduce children to the concept of persuasion in school. 


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