
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Letter Town by Darren Farrell - ADVISABLE

Farrell, Darren Letter Town: A seek-and-find alphabet adventure.  PICTURE BOOK.  Orchard Books (Scholastic), 2018.  $18.  9781338121070.

Bus Driver B is ready to start his day – driving around Letter Town and picking up at least one letter in order.  When he picks up the zookeeper, however, 26 animals want to join him on the bus.  Can the bus hold them all?

Be careful when you process this book for the library – you want to keep the end papers visible, because the author has kindly made a list of all of the different characters you will meet on the pages.  Younger readers will need help figuring out the different letters, but any kid who likes seek-and-finds will have fun with this.

EL (K-3), EL – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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