
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How Many Hugs? by Heather Swain -- NOT RECOMMENDED

Swain, Heather How Many Hugs? Illustrated by Steven Henry. PICTURE BOOK. Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan), 2017. $17. 9781250066510

This rhyming picture book explains how many hugs different types of animals can give based on the number of arms and legs they have.

The topic lends a sweet feel to the story, which would make it nice as a bedtime book, and the pictures are adorable. Unfortunately, the rhyme scheme is extremely awkward to read silently, let alone aloud. The rhythm varies on each page, lines are broken at odd points, and sometimes incorrect grammar is used (e.g. "discreet" instead of "discreetly") in order to create rhymes. While rhyming is very pleasant when done well, in this case it feels jangly and awkward and just generally frustrating.

In addition, many scientific names and other large words are dropped in with no explanation, and in most cases the context does not make the word obvious. (e.g. "And down in the ocean an / octopus waits / to wrap up its loves in two / fours, which is eight. / That's eight arms like the / spider, but here it gets odd. / An octopus is not an / arachnid -- it's a cephalopod.") I love when books provide animal facts or other scientific information, but in this case such info is more likely to confuse than to, well, inform.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- NOT RECOMMENDED. Sydney G., K-6 Library Media Specialist

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