
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Home Sweet Home by Mia Cassany - OPTIONAL

Cassany, Mia Home Sweet Home, illustrated by Paula Blumen.  Frances Lincoln (Quarto), 2017.  $17.  9781786031136.

Travel the world through the eyes of a variety of pets.

The goal of this book is admirable, but it falls quite short.  Instead of traveling all over the world, we see 17 homes in 12 different countries.  I find it odd that the author repeats the Netherlands, France, and Spain twice and the US three times.  I love the Netherlands more than your normal American, but really? Most of the animals are dogs, the cats that are pictured are mostly black (10 out of 12), and the only other animals are a turtle and two pigeons.  Why didn’t the author and illustrator reflect the variety of animals that people around the world call pets? I could like this just for the illustrations, showing a slice of the world and its varying human habitats, but the flaws outweigh the strengths.

EL (K-3) – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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