
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Bundle of Nerves: A Story of Courage by Mari Schuh –ADVISABLE

Schuh, Mari Bundle of Nerves: A Story of Courage. PICTURE BOOK. Millbrook (Lerner), 2018. $20. 9781512486452
This is the story Luis, he is starting school for the first day. He is nervous, but gradually learns to overcome his fear by using some advice from his dad about having courage. Lots of little situations are shown that illustrate ways to be courageous.
This would be a fantastic book for a teacher to read to a class about courage –students could brainstorm examples of ways they have been courageous in the past and things they are nervous about for the future. It is a great way for students to learn to identify an emotion then learn ways to cope with it. Large illustrations would be easy to share with a K-1st grade group.

EL(K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Stephanie, Elementary School Librarian & Author

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