
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tough Chicks by Cece Meng - ADVISABLE

Meng, Cece Tough Chicks Illustrated by Melissa Suber BOARD BOOK Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009. $13. Content: G. 

Penny, Polly and Molly are three little chicks who rule the roost.  They are independent and smart and they aren’t afraid to get things done, but not all the farm animals appreciate their pluck.  When Farmer Fred’s tractor veers out of control, Penny, Polly and Molly are able to save the day and the animals learn to appreciate their tough chicks.  

This is a girl power book using chicks as the characters.  I loved that their mother always believed in them and made them feel like it was okay to be independent and smart.  There are between 3-4 sentences per page spread and it’s a bigger sized board book.  

PRE-K – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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