
Monday, March 19, 2018

The Whale’s Journey by Benjamin Tunby -OPTIONAL

Tunby, Benjamin The Whale’s Journey, 24 pages.  NON-FICTION.  Lerner, 2018.  $20. Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.

This book contains information about the migration of the some of the more common whales: blue, sperm, and humpback. It includes information about why they migrate, why they migrate, and newborn whales. Features bright layouts and stunning photographs.

While this is a stellar book for young readers, it is about one thing: migration. Teachers do units on migration and this would be an excellent book to go along with their bird and butterfly migration books. But students usually want a book about whales or a certain kind of whale, not simply about migration. I think I would be hard pressed to get a student to check this out on their own.

EL(K-3) – OPTIONAL.  Stephanie, Elementary School Librarian & Author

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