
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Recycled Book Crafting - How about a gown?

So - my state school library association had a recycled book art contest and I decided to make this.

I used about 8 books - all three Matched series, The Princess Bride, and the Beyonders series.

I love making costumes, so I'm not new to dress construction, but this has been in the back of my head for a while now.

 I had a lot of fun making it, but it wasn't until I added the feathers to the bodice that I actually fell in love with it.
The plan is to enter it in the State Fair next fall.  But if someone who knows me wants to use it in a display for a bit until then, I'd be happy to loan it out.  Otherwise I'll just tuck it away until September.

I can't keep it on display because it would give the fire marshals fits if they saw it.  The kids at school have been very nice to it, but it only takes one bad apple to ruin it.
How do you express your creativity - whether for yourself or at school?  I'd love to see other people's work!


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