
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Im Not Taking a Bath by Laura Gehl - ADVISABLE

Gehl, Laura Peep and Egg: I'm Not Taking a Bath, illustrated by Joyce Wan. PICTURE BOOK. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2017. $17. 9780374303273

Egg has been playing in the mud with the pigs and now Peep thinks he needs to take a bath. Egg is having none of it. Peep offers a myriad of encouraging ideas to get Egg to take a bath--with fun soap, in the pond, with a hose--to no avail. Finally she announces that she is going to go play in the pond with all sorts of fun toys. Egg doesn't want to miss out, so he joins in on the pond fun and gets his bath!

This is the first of the Peep and Egg series that I have read and I enjoyed it. The story is really simple with quick bursts of text, but it gets the job done. The illustrations are boldly colored and fun, and my children enjoyed this as a read aloud. I imagine this will be a hit for parents who are trying to deal with kids who say 'No' to absolutely everything!

Pre-K - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: TC

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