
Friday, March 30, 2018

Harriet Gets Carried Away by Jessie Sima- OPTIONAL

Sima, Jessie. Harriet Gets Carried Away, PICTURE BOOK. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2018. $17.99.  

Harriet loves costumes and she wears them all the time, any day of the year. When Harriet and her parents need to go to the store for more party supplies for her birthday, Harriet wanders off to the freezer section where she finds… penguins! Because she’s dressed as a penguin for the day, she joins them as they head out of town so they can hot air balloon back home.  Harriet realizes she should not be with the penguins. She should be at the grocery store with her parents. She tries plan after plan but us unable to fly home. Finally a friendly Orca offers to take her. Once there, she finds her family and they head home, where she changes into her birthday costume. Her party is so much fun and no one gets carried away… except for one friend who brings wolves with her.

The illustrations in this book are really superb. Sima is the author of Not Quite Narwhal, another popular book and the pictures have a special appeal. Little ones who enjoy dressing up will love Harriet and relate to her wild imagination. I really love this book, but have to make one note. Harriet’s parents are both men in this story. They are pictured together as a family of three and it is made mention of  “Harriet’s dads” but that is all there is. It’s just simply there. My daughter and husband read this book together first and she didn’t bat and eye, or even really seem to notice. She also thought it was hilarious. She was telling me how silly it was because of the penguins before we even started reading together. I realize that for some libraries however, this might not be the right book for your community.  

PRE-K, EL(K-3)- OPTIONAL. Reviewed by Shay, School Librarian

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