
Friday, March 23, 2018

A Land of Permanent Goodbyes by Abawi Atia - ESSENTIAL

Abawi, Atia  A Land of Permanent Goodbyes  278 pages. Philomel Books (Penguin Random House), 2018. $7 (paperback).  Language: G; Mature Content: PG; Violence : PG

Tareq’s family has a wonderful life until the Syrian Civil conflict comes showering down on their heads.  Of the family Tareq, his father, a younger brother and a younger sister are the only survivors and they work to make their way to Europe, specifically Germany. The going is really hard; Tareq’s family tries to do everything legally in a situation where no one else recognizes any laws.  The book teaches about empathy and understanding.  We wonder why refugees don’t go home, we need to realize for some there is no home to go back to.

I read a prepublication copy, at times it switched to first person and then went back to a narrative.  It was a bit confusing, but I felt the book was worth reading and would definitely buy it for my library.

MS – ESSENTIAL; HS – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer: Lisa Moeller; Language Arts Teacher/Librarian

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