
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Zip! Zoom! On a Broom! by Teri Sloat - OPTIONAL

Sloat, Teri Zip! Zoom! On a Broom Illustrated by Rosalinde Bonnet PICTURE BOOK Little Brown and Company, 2017. $17. Content: G. 

This is a witch counting book.  A witch joins other witches until there are ten on a broom.  They have trouble with that many witches on a broomstick and they fall off one by one until there is one witch left on the broom.  She glides across the moon.  

This is fun to read aloud because of the poem and the predictable counting.  The illustrations aren’t great and some pages the illustrations are too dark.  There are better Halloween books out there.  

EL (K-3) – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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