
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater - ADVISABLE

Stiefvater, Maggie  The Raven King (The Raven Boys, #4), 438 pgs.  Scholastic Press, 2016.  $18.99  Content: Language: R (53 swears; 17 “F”); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.  

Blue and her Raven boys are trying to figure out how to save Gansey because of the prediction that he would not live through the year.  With that main concern, Blue and Gansey are also trying to navigate their feelings for each other without breaking up their group.  Ronan’s connection to his dream world is blurring the lines with the real world.  Through all of their dream and real world problems, the Raven Boys and Blue Sargent watch each other’s backs and try to save what they love.  

This book is so well written.  I love all of the characters and the creative world that Steifvater makes feel real.  As the final book in the series it has a satisfying conclusion and I will miss reading about these great characters.  Note the swear count and the mature content includes homosexual kissing, underage drinking and drug use.  This book would be essential, except for the content.  

HS – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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