
Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Great Hibernation by Tara Dairman - OPTIONAL

Dairman, Tara The Great Hibernation, 260 pages.  Wendy Lamb (Random), 2017.  $17.  Content: G.

Legend has it that every citizen of St. Polonius-by-the-Fjord over the age of 12 must take a bite of bear liver at the annual ritual or all of them will fall asleep as part of the Great Hibernation.  Jean has just turned 12 and she really wants to, she really tries to, but she secretly spits it out.  Then all of the adults start falling asleep! And the mayor’s bossy son,  has declared that according to the town charter, every child must take over their parent’s job.  Jean is sure that something really fishy is going on.  But she can’t seem to shake the “mayor’s” goons long enough to do some serious searching.  She and her friends will have to make some tricky moves I order to save their town.

As strong and inventive as Jean is to fight against her foes, she and her friends couldn’t carry this book for me.  I couldn’t buy into the idea of eating bear liver to stay awake, even when it was explained “scientifically”. The whole hibernating adults thing just gave me the willies.

EL – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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