
Monday, January 22, 2018

Round by Joyce Sidman- ESSENTIAL

Sidman , Joyce Round. Illustrated by Taeeun Yoo. PICTURE BOOK. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017.  $17.99. Content: G.  

A sweet, little girl in this picture book loves round things.  She sees them everywhere she looks: in trees, on the ground, on a farm, at the beach. She notices the roundness of mushrooms, blueberries, sunflowers and rocks.  She loves to watch round things that move, round things that are hidden, and round things created by nature.  She can be round, too… “in a circle of friends with no one left out” or  curled up by herself in a warm, round ball.  

This is a delightful book exploring all of the round things that exist in nature.  The back pages discuss why so many things in nature are round, ending with the fact that round things are simply beautiful!  The illustrations are beautiful.  The text can be used in a classroom exploring nature and shapes.  This is a simple yet wonderful book. 

Pre-K.  EL (K-3). ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL.

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