
Saturday, January 27, 2018

My Toothbrush is Missing by Jan Thomas - ADVISABLE

Thomas, Jan  My Toothbrush is Missing EARLY READER  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018.  $9.99  Content: G.  

Dog is looking for his missing toothbrush.  He explains that it has bristles, a long handle and is red.  Donkey says he doesn’t know what a toothbrush is, but tries to help Dog find it and takes him to see a cat (bristly), a broom (long handle) and a red egg beater (red).  Dog thanks Donkey for trying to help and then Donkey starts to scrub his hooves with Dog’s toothbrush.  It is agreed that Dog needs a new toothbrush.  

I love Jan Thomas’ early reader books because of their humor.  I love the way the story line develops and the cute facial expressions of the characters.  This book does have some harder words for new readers: bristles, bristly, whiskers and scrubbing.  

EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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