
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Mutant Bunny Island by Obert Skye - OPTIONAL

Skye, Obert Mutant Bunny Island, 200 pages. Harper Collins Publisher (Harper), 2017. $13. Language: G (swear count 0); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.

Fifth-grader Perry Owens doesn’t have many friends. He spends most of his time in his room reading comic books that his Uncle Zeke sends him. When summer break starts, and Perry receives a mysterious message from his uncle hidden in the latest comic book, he knows he must leave the comforts of his room and fly to Bunny Island to save Uncle Zeke. Prepared with all he has learned from the characters in his comics, Perry sets out to solve the mysteries of why the islanders are obsessed with carrot juice and why there are so many adorable bunnies roaming the island. Along the way, he manages to make some new friends and discovers that he can have fun outside the fantasy world of his comic book heroes.

A complete departure from the Levin Thumps series, Obert Skye goes full throttle with his off-the-wall sense of humor in this newest book. A harmless and funny tale of a hero who manages to get everything wrong but still solves the mystery in the end.  Although the book doesn’t stand out as a must-have, it is an entertaining read for kids who think their comic book heroes can solve anything.

EL – OPTIONAL. LMA, future elementary school teacher

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