
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Mouse by Zebo Ludvicek - ESSENTIAL

Ludvicek, Zebo Mouse. PICTURE BOOK. Penguin Young Readers Group, 2017.

$16.99.  Content: G.

Mouse has secured himself a beautiful red cherry.  Letter M asks if Mouse would be willing to share a bite.  “A bite? Absolutely not!” replied Mouse.  After some coaxing, Mouse agrees to one bite.  The letter M is so delighted at the taste of the cherry!  He turns upside down to form the letter W and continues around until he is the letter M once again.  Throughout this book, the letter M is transformed into many letters of the alphabet with the help of Mouse.  Their relationship is also transformed into a great friendship.  “I’ve never had any friend before,” whispered Mouse.  “Cause there is no Mouse…without an M.” 

This is one of my absolute favorite books!  The creativity in the story line as well as the unique and beautiful illustrations makes this book a must have for every home and library.  Sentiment, humor, and learning leap from each page.  A must read for everyone!  

Pre-K. EL (K-3).  ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL.

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