
Friday, January 26, 2018

Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior by Ed Clayton - ADVISABLE

Clayton, Ed  Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior, 113 pgs.  Illustrated by Donald Bermudez   CHAPTER BOOK  Candlewick Press, 2017.  $16.99  Content: PG.   

Martin Luther King, Jr. was raised in Atlanta by a loving family who taught him to be proud of their heritage. Martin’s parents were examples that set his ideals of freedom and fairness.  As Martin grew up he received an education and felt a connection with Gandhi’s ways of nonviolent protests.  As tension grew in the United States, the people were looking for a leader and King was willing to take the lead.  He was an amazing man who wanted equality and freedom for everyone and set an example and led with love and peace.  

This is a great biography that highlights King’s accomplishments.  I liked that there was a balance of his childhood and education as well as his years as a leader because it is more appealing to the younger readers.  The rating is PG because there are acts of violence such as people getting sprayed with the fire hose, King’s assassination and the bombing of churches and King’s house.  Although they aren’t described in detail, it is upsetting that it happened.  As for age group-older grades can learn from this book as well, but it is a chapter book.  

EL, MS – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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