
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Franklin's Rocket Team by Caitlin Drake Smith-OPTIONAL

Drake Smith, Caitlin Franklin’s Rocket Team. PICTURE BOOK. Kids Can Press, Limited, 2014. $5.95.  Content: G. 

Franklin is very excited to have his friend Rabbit over to play in his spaceship and enjoy a sleepover.  As soon as Rabbit arrives Franklin has a hard time getting Rabbit to come outside  to the spaceship because Rabbit always wants to be around Franklin’s little sister, Harriet.  Franklin gets frustrated because Harriet is ruining all of his fun.  Little sister’s can be a pain at times.  It isn’t until Rabbit pulls out a picture of his large family that Franklin realized that Rabbit misses his siblings and is used to having a lot of people playing together.  Franklin invites Harriet to join in the fun and they all happily explore the spaceship together.  

This is a great Franklin story that explores the topics of friendship, sharing, patience and solving problems.  The booked is based on the popular TV series and children will delight in the illustrations and storyline.   

Pre-K. EL (K-3).  Optional.  Reviewer: SL.

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