
Friday, December 22, 2017

Princesses, Inc. by Mari Mancusi - ADVISABLE

Mancusi, Mari. Princesses, Inc., 301 pgs. Aladdin M!x, 2017.

Language – G (0 swears, 0 “f”), Mature Content – G; Violence – G; 

Hailey and her friends have a problem: they have to get to Comicpalooza in June in order to see Collin Prince in person, but their parents can’t afford to pay for them to go. Together, the four girls start a new babysitting company, “Princesses and Pirates, Inc,” to earn the money to go themselves. Between homework, extracurricular activities, and more customers than they can handle, the girls are stretched thin and overwhelmed, but how can they say no and lose business when they are so close to their goal?

Hailey and her friends are very creative, and I enjoyed reading the business planning side of things as well as the rest of the story. My favorite part of Hailey’s story, though, is that she and her friends made a goal and worked hard to achieve it. While we do not always get what we want in the way that we want, there is something to be said for making a goal. Hailey and her friends have inspired me to look at what I want in life and what I can do to make it happen instead of waiting for it to fall in my lap—this princess can save herself!

MS – ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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