
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Out of Tune by Norah McClintock - OPTIONAL

McClintock, Norah Out of Tune, 222 pgs. Orca Book Publishers, 2017. Language – PG (7 swears, 0 “f”), Mature Content – G; Violence – PG; 

Alicia is the girl who seems so perfect that you can’t help but love her and hate that you love her—she plays the violin with prodigy-level skill, gets good grades, is great with kids, and somehow finds free time to be social. And then she disappears. Riley is approached by the lead suspect to help prove her innocence, and, against all odds, this leads Riley to uncover how much goes on under the surface of her high school.

Though technically the third in a series, Out of Tune can stand alone, as books in the Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden series. This is a standard mystery with good action, multiple possible suspects, and an impossible situation that the kid detective is able to figure out before the adults and professionals. Overall, I enjoyed the read because it is a new mystery to solve, but there is nothing especially amazing about Out of Tune that can’t be said for other mystery novels. 

MS, HS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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